Work with Us

Who we are

Our Identity

Planit makes amazing food experiences available to everyone. This does not mean we serve every customer segment. It does mean that we deliver great quality products, services that enable a great shopping and delivery journey for the customer, and experientiality that maximises the customer's engagement and joy in preparing and consuming food. We do all of this at a pricing level that maximises the base of customers who can access our products and experientiality, while ensuring our own financial sustainability.


Our Mission

We exist to enable people to celebrate the bounty of food. We work towards this mission by aiming to set up the ultimate experience in food discovery, shopping, preparation and consumption.


Our Values
Our values are the principles by which we run our business, and we take great care in our recruitment to ensure values alignment with prospective employees:
We seek to discover, test and implement creative solutions that improve any aspect of the business – creativity is, in fact, the source of our competitive advantage. No solution is rejected merely because it hasn’t been done before.
Customer centricity:
We exist to serve customers, and if we do that well, our own success will follow. Our engagement with customers is through long-lived relationships, and never transactional. We earn customer loyalty by delivering great product and service experiences, being fair in our pricing and dealings with them, and being highly responsive to their needs and frustrations. 
Win-win is the only way to run a business sustainably, be it in our relationships with customers, suppliers, employees or business partners. Our focus is always to increase the size of the pie so everyone wins, not to capture more of the pie for ourselves.
Planiteers treat everyone with respect – fellow employees, suppliers, customers – especially in situations where they have a power advantage. Respect means treating people with dignity; listening, more than talking; and a focus on issues rather than individuals. Absence of respect discourages contribution and collaboration; and encourages the hiding of, rather than airing, issues.
Telescopic planning, microscopic execution:
Our planning is telescopic - based on a 5-10 year horizon, focused on understanding the big picture, our presence in this big picture and our role in shaping the big picture.
Our execution is microscopic – visibility of not more than 3 months, with extreme attention to rigour and accuracy in planning, performance and monitoring
We win as a business when every business unit, function, team and individual does its job well. Ownership is central to this performance. Each of our people:
- Takes full responsibility for their own domain, takes the initiative to solve any challenges (and is empowered to do so), has the willingness to roll up their sleeves and do whatever is required to get the job done
- Is willing to provide support to others wherever they feel their support will be useful and valuable
‘Good enough’ is not good enough. We aim to be better than the best. And then continually improve against our own benchmark. That is the only way we will maintain our competitiveness.
Frugality is born out of our responsibility to deliver the best possible value to customers. Frugality means never spending money unless it adds value to customers, and eliminating waste wherever possible. Frugality drives resourcefulness and invention and encourages self-sufficiency. 
We have zero tolerance for any form of corruption in our business, including:
- Off-contract bribes, inducements and promises of bribes and inducements for any business purpose (whether given or taken; and whether given or taken voluntarily or under coercion)
- Embezzlement & theft of physical goods, money and intellectual property
- Non-transparent contracting, especially related party contracting
We are responsible towards all stakeholders:
- Towards customers, by delivering the best quality, safest products at the best possible prices; and the best possible experience in shopping for, preparing and consuming our products
- Towards employees by ensuring employees maximise their potential - high quality employment, career growth opportunities, learning and development, and best-in-industry rewards
- Towards suppliers, by offering them scale, respectable returns and predictable business
- Towards the environment, by minimizing our carbon and waste footprint
- Towards shareholders by prioritising long-term value creation over short-term results, profitability over growth

Integrity means living by our values not only when it is convenient to do so, but especially when it is inconvenient.


Our Vision and Aspirations
Our Vision:
Food is engaging, fun and sexy. Not a chore. Not the purview only of women or of the help. Not limited by culture or geography. Great food is for everyone.
Our Aspirations:
From a customer's perspective: To be the first preference food shopping solution for customers who value quality, experientiality and diversity in their food experiences
From a supplier's perspective: To be a preferred customer, differentiated from others by our spirit of collaboration in product development and cost minimisation, and known for our fairness in dealings
From an employee's perspective: To be recognised as the employer that combines a great employment experience (quality of role and associated empowerment, growth opportunities, development, fairness and equal opportunity) and the best rewards
From a shareholder's perspective: To be a boring, old-world, profitability-obsessed company


Working at Planit


Our culture has two dimensions: A Culture of Performance; and a Culture of Belonging
Culture of Performance:
- Innovation: We are always on the lookout for imperfection, and encourage innovation to solve these imperfections. We have a great deal of respect for new mistakes, and little tolerance for repeated ones.
- Ownership:
Ownership of our own domains and targets means complete commitment to deliver, whatever it takes.
Ownership of the business means a willingness to roll up sleeves and chip in outside our domains when asked, and volunteering support when it is needed but not requested
- Empowerment: Decision-making shall not be hampered by lack of empowerment. We do not require managers to rubber stamp their approval on decisions that are in their subordinates’ domain
- Accountability:
Targets, KRAs and empowerment for each employee are defined as an outcome of a carefully crafted plan and always signed off by the employee
Targets are not ‘moving’
Review processes and mentoring are available to support employees in their pursuit of these targets
Finally, however, the employee is accountable for the achievement of these targets, with supporting reward / accountability mechanisms
Like targets, accountability flows upwards – lack of delivery by an employee does not absolve their manager of responsibility for achievement of their overall team / functional target
- Excellence: Our effort is to get things as right as possible the first time (recognizing that there will be misses whenever we innovate), and then consciously and non-incrementally improve towards the ideal of perfection. 
- Speed: Our pursuit for excellence does not imply analysis-paralysis. We plan at reasonable detail and at speed, rapid prototype, learn and correct fast.
- Frugality: We are frugal, but not penny-wise pound-foolish. We work best when we are constrained, but constraints do not imply we settle for the second-best. Frugality does not mean we adopt a win-lose attitude towards our suppliers. We strive to eliminate waste, whether in our products, in under-utilized infrastructure or team capacity, in our managerial processes, in avoidance of unnecessary travel, or in any other area.
- Teamwork: Small teams work best to solve complex problems and to take decisions. Teamwork involves single point accountability for the team’s results to a team lead, a clear allocation of responsibility to team members, mechanisms for alignment on emergent answers, and commitment of the team to the final decision
- Dependability: We are predictable and dependable, and honour our commitments. No one should have to follow up to get things done.
- Mentoring, support and development: Maximising our performance and reaching our potential will not be possible unless we mentor and support each other. Asking for support will never be frowned upon or viewed negatively. Providing support will always be recognized. Refusing support is not acceptable unless there are compelling barriers
- Closure / completion: We don’t start things we aren’t pretty sure we want to do, and what we do start we commit to take through to completion, fast
- Hygienes:
Work environments will be comfortable, but not luxurious. All necessary tools, resources and support will always be provided.
Managers will frequently ensure they experience their subordinates’ jobs, to develop empathy as well as to be able to provide effective support and supervision as managers
Culture of Belonging:
- Authenticity: you can be yourself – no one’s judging
- Respect: Our environment and relationships are mostly collegial, sometimes formal, but never coercive. Managers are demanding but respectful. Every view is respected and heard. 
- Work-life balance: We recognize you have the right to a life. Work may sometimes infringe on this right, but that cannot be the norm. Something’s wrong either with our business model or with our role assignations, if our people consistently have compromise their personal lives to achieve the business’ goals
- Fairness: Everyone will be measured by the same yardstick. Personal relationships – positive or adversarial - will never interfere with our professional obligation of fairness
- Equal opportunity: Our biases are driven only by people’s professional competencies and performance. We do not judge people or limit the opportunities available to them based on their gender, race, religion, caste, sexual orientation, political views, physical appearance or any other aspect of their identity unless any of these interfere with their ability to perform professionally.
- Recognition: We recognize good work and contributions immediately, publicly and through a range of financial and non-financial reward mechanisms. We chastise poor performance privately, with empathy and the offer of support for future improvement.
- Diversity and inclusiveness: As a company, we have room for, and actively cultivate diversity in identity (gender, race, religion, age), skills (education, functional expertise, strategy vs execution orientation), thoughts and beliefs.
- Non-hierarchy: Our role allocations and interactions are driven by expertise and competence, not by hierarchy. Irrespective of designation, we encourage expression of views and opinions. Our people have the capability and the empowerment to perform their roles autonomously, from top to bottom. There is no room in our organisation for people who are simply ‘managers’ – we only require ‘thinkers’ and ‘doers’.
- Communication and interaction:
     - We err on the side of greater transparency in communication
     - Communication is more listening and less speaking.
     - We are firm believers in calling out and cutting out bullshit – brevity is a virtue.
     - Interactions are always constructive, not combative; and discussions are issue-based, never personal
- Mutual trust: We trust each Planiteer, and expect that trust to be reciprocated unfailingly. People who cannot be trusted have no place in the Company. People who do not trust the Company are encouraged move to alternate workplaces that they do trust.
- Support: Asking for and giving support, both personal and professional, is encouraged.


Know your future colleagues

1. <Image> <Name>, <Gender, Age>

<Education & experience summary>

<Goals and aspirations>

<Experience at Plenti>


2. <Image> <Name>, <Gender, Age>

<Education & experience summary>

<Goals and aspirations>

<Experience at Plenti>



Who we’re looking for

You are an energetic and self-motivated individual, looking to challenge yourself. You work hard and like being hands-on, either as a thinker or as a doer. You are keen to learn and grow your capabilities, and willing to put in the effort to do so. You see great alignment between our organisational values and your own personal belief system. You (ideally) have an educational background that supports and enables all of the above.

If this is you, we'd love to hear from you. Refer to our Current openings (/href), or write in to us with your resume at <email>


Recruitment process

We follow a multi-stage recruitment process as follows:

  • Resume and application evaluation
  • Non-disclosure agreement
  • Fitment assessment interview
  • Technical assessment interview
  • Reference checks
  • Offer negotiation and contract closure


Current openings
